Where i can find physiotherapy clinic in 6 October?
If you are searching about physiotherapy clinic in 6 October, Egypt. you are in the right way here. you can call us or send us massage or just follow that
First step
- When you are in Egypt just go to sheikh zayed, 6th of October
Second step
- From Sheikh zayed on mehwar markzy you can ask about twin towers medical building
Third step
- When you are in twin towers just go to building (c) and the 6th floor then clinic (m) – Circle 5 clinic
When you are in Egypt just go to sheikh zayed, 6th of October
From Sheikh zayed on mehwar markzy you can ask about twin towers medical building
When you are in twin towers just go to building (c) and the 6th floor then clinic (m) – Circle 5 clinic
If you Have question, just call us